OK, I've never actually said that, but I've come pretty close a couple of times.
Lyla's new favourite game is "Animal
Playdate". All the animal mummies and daddies drop the kids off at the dollhouse where the poor old girl doll is expected to serve them tea and
entertain a dizzying mix of small animals - don't tell me having a lion and a pig over at the same time will end well. Oh and there is no baby zebra so the cat is his kid because, "not all
families look the same and that is OK", sometimes I'm so
pc I even annoy myself. So after it's all over, each mummy shows up to collect her offspring, one tiny
animal mummy at a time, and each one has to say, "do I really have to go, and thank you
for having me and let's do it again soon". Then the whole thing starts from the beginning again. It is literally all she wants to play. It was adorable for a day, pretty cute
for a couple, after a week it is teeth-
grindingly annoying. Yes, yes, I'm awful, foster her imagination, blah blah, blah. The worst part is, my guilt over her lack of a
fictiously perfect younger sibling always ready and
willing to play this frankly very tedious game, brings me back every time. So, no, I haven't yet suggested the
WonderPets, but I'm getting close. Amateurish photo illustrations follow: