Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spring? It's all relative.

Three years ago, we were experiencing our first North Carolina spring. We got sunburned on St. Patrick's Day, picked daffodils and cherry blossom, and couldn't believe spring was really here to stay. After three years of Michigan springs, with heavy snow at Easter time and monochrome landscapes until late May, it seemed hard to believe. Three years later, here comes our first Colorado spring. Sunny days, bike riding, sunburned on St. Patrick's Day, and snow in late March.

Not only the weather has changed. Our changing back gardens signify our changing states. Michigan...woods, deer, mosquitoes. North Carolina...Crepe Myrtles, lush and green, more mosquitoes. Colorado...urban, dense, arid, no mosquitoes.

Things coming in threes. Lyla last got a new bike for her 4th birthday, over three years ago. We dug it out a couple of weeks ago and it was almost impossible for her to ride she was so tall. Bit hard to push down pedals when you're that tall. So, some online ordering and neighborhood kid positive peer pressure later...she's whizzing around the neighborhood.

I'd forgotten the freedom of bike riding. So much less effort and more speed than walking or running. We rode to lunch in under 10 minutes, comparable to driving really. And what must that feel like for a kid? She could go anywhere, just using the power of her two long, skinny legs. I'm torn between giving her the freedom and pushing down my fear. "Mama, can I ride on the road with Anya?". "OK, just watch out for cars." Watch out for cars? She's not going to watch out for cars, anymore than they will watch out for her. I've been there too, swinging into the neighborhood, thinking about what's for dinner, listening to your kid describe their day, reminding yourself to set the DVR for Game of Thrones. It's too terrifying to think about...but that wonderful, wind in your face, hair flying freedom is worth it.